The focus of all Photon Systems, Inc. products is to facilitate the benefits and advantages that deep UV spectroscopic & related methods provide for higher sensitivity and specificity detection, especially for trace levels of materials, compared to methods conducted in the near UV, visible, and IR. The product families are shown below.
Photon Systems develops unique and innovative products that utilize patented and proprietary deep ultraviolet (UV) technologies to address the challenges associated with the detection of trace chemical, biological, and explosive (CBE) materials on surfaces, in water, or in soil as well as other deep UV applications.
Photon Systems deep UV optical sensors for detecting, identifying and quantifying materials and organisms have many advantages over non-optical sensors and optical sensors operating in the near-UV, visible, or IR. These advantages are summarized here.

Lab and Portable Spectrometer Systems
Photon Systems’ laboratory spectrometer systems enable measuring Rayleigh, Raman, and fluorescence and phosphorescence emissions from trace materials on surfaces and in liquids. The spectrometers are offered in two different versions with different capabilities.
Personal Exposure Monitors
Photon Systems’ wearable personal exposure monitors (PEMs) are near-real-time detectors and time and position stamped data loggers, designed to measure a wide range of hazardous chemical vapors in the breathing zone of the wearer.
Hand Held Sensors
Photon Systems’ hand held sensors are trace chemical and biological sensors that cover a wide range of field, factory, or laboratory applications. These sensors are used for environmental sensing as well as process quality and cleaning validation.
Chemical Printers and Mappers
Photon Systems’ chemical printing and imaging/mapping systems are designed to both provide accurate deposition of complex chemical or microbial distributions on a wide range of substrate materials to be used for accurate calibration of sensitivity and specificity for Photon Systems’ wide range of detection instruments used to perform chemical imaging or mapping.
Deep UV Sources
Photon Systems has developed a wide array of specialized deep UV sources ranging from ultra-narrow-linewidth deep UV laser emitting at 224.3 nm and 248.6 nm as well as deep UV Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) emitting in the 250 nm to 350 nm spectral range.
Plug & Play Gated Boxcar Integrators
Photon Systems has developed a range of plug and play single channel or 32 channel gated boxcar integrator and averager systems applicable to a wide range of optical and electronic detection of Raman, fluorescence, or optical beam induced current applications.
Get In Touch
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1512 Industrial Park St. Covina, CA 91722-3417
626 967-6431