Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Photoluminescence Testing

A large amount of research is focused today on wide-bandgap materials, especially  the SiC and III-nitrides for applications such as power electronics, photodiodes, LEDs and laser diodes.  The applications in the fields of industrial scale power electronics and solid state lighting have the potential to transform our world into a cleaner, more sustainable future.  The wide-bandgap share of the global lighting market is projected to reach $84 billion by 2020 and by 2020 GaN and SiC are expected to be 22% of the $15 billion global market for discrete power electronic components.

Materials characterization is important in development, and photoluminescence (PL) studies reveal information about epitaxial structures before the costly processing steps are performed on the device.  PL intensity maps can be used as a measure of epitaxial growth quality.

For photoluminescence to occur, the laser excitation needs to have a higher energy than the bandgap of the material being studied.  Other lasers commonly used for PL include the frequency doubled Argon ion (244nm), Nd:YAG (266nm), HeCd (325nm) and Nd:YAG (355nm).   The Photon Systems hollow cathode DUV lasers at 224.3nm and 248.6nm have photon energies of 5.5eV and 5.0eV, which makes it them some of the highest photon energy lasers sources available in a compact size.

Wafer with significant PL peak
Wafer with significant PL peak
PL Scan1

Key Issues

  • Short Wavelength Required

    Laser excitation needs to have a higher energy than the bandgap of the material being studied.


Mini PL 110

The most compact and lowest cost deep UV (224 or 248.6nm) photoluminescence  spectrometer system.

Deep UV Lasers

The DUV family of lasers offer 224.3 nm (5.5eV) and 248.6 nm (5.0eV) for fraction of the cost of other laser technologies. The laser is the size, weight and power consumption of a HeNe laser but with output in the deep UV.

Single Channel Gated Integrating Detector

The Photon Systems’ single channel gated integrating detector (SCGID) is a plug & play gated boxcar integrator and averager that synchronizes detection current sources such as PMTs, photodiodes, optical beam induced current detectors or other current sources with the emission from a Photon Systems deep UV laser or other source.

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1512 Industrial Park St. Covina, CA 91722-3417


626 967-6431

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